Did you know ?? While you are using the eCount software, if you are facing any issue and don’t know what to do next then you can place a request for support in it
How to do that ?
Step 1
- Open the eCount software, and in the right-side bottom of the page their is an option ‘Request support’ as shown in the image below.
- Click on it.
Step 2
- Once you click on the ‘Request support’ it will open one new window over there as shown in the image below.
Step 3
- In that window you have to fill up all the details like,
- Select the option your ‘issue related to’ there are some by default issues to select but if your issue is not there in the list then you can select the option named ‘Other’ also and mention the details of your issue.
- After that you have to write the ‘Subject of your issue’over there and the details of that issue.
- Also you can add the screenshots of your screen facing the issue in the section of ‘Attachment’.
- Once you are done with all the details, Click on the ‘Add Request’ option to place your request.
Note :
You can see the status of your request in the above section like